Pic link | https://media.hpshopping.hk/catalog/product/cache/c687aa7517cf01e65c009f6943c2b1e9/C/2/C2P22AA-1_T1525410590.jpg |
Product Details: | https://www.hpshopping.hk/en/hp-935-yellow-original-ink-cartridge-c2p22aa.html |
HP 935 Yellow Ink Cartridge
付款方式 : 現金/支票/銀行轉帳(HSBC A/C :078-465754-839) ;
支票抬頭 : “Grand Strategic Network Technology Limited” ;
銷售熱線 : (852) 2156 1559 ;
電郵 : enquiry@gsnt.hk
- 免費送貨需單次購買滿HKD4000 ;
- 如單次購買未滿HKD4000,需另付運費HK$70(九龍區)/HK$100(港島區及新界區) ;
- 相片與實物可能出現少許色差,敬請見諒
Payment Method : CASH/CHEQUE/BANK(HSBC A/C: 078-465754-838) ;
Cheque Title : “Grand Strategic Network Technology Limited” ;
Sale Enquiry : (852) 2156 1559 ;
Email Enquiry : enquiry@gsnt.hk
- Free Standard Delivery: On order over HKD 4000 ;
- If the order is not enough $4,000, you may add HK$70 (for Kowloon) / HK$100 (for HK or NT) as delivery charge for one location delivery ;
- The photo above is simply for reference, the real size of the object is final